Monday, March 10, 2008

Only a 4 year old...

On Sunday at church I volunteer in a classroom for 4 year olds kids. This week a little girl named Celeste and I had the following conversation...

Celeste: Are you going to have a baby?
Me: Yes I am, did your mommy tell you that?
Celeste: No, your sweater doesn't fit on your tummy any more.
Me: (cracking up) Yes Celeste I guess you are right.

I didn't think I really looked pregnant yet. I mean I am only 13 weeks. But I guess with baby #3 things don't stay hidden very long. I have still been wearing my jeans and long sleeve T-shirts and I haven't really noticed much of a change. But I do wear my jeans under my "tummy" and my shirts are quite loose fitting. I guess switching it up and wearing a slightly fitted sweater was just the thing I needed to totally out myself as a pregnant momma.

I am guessing if a four year old will say it out loud, then other people are thinking the same thing too. Either that or they think, "Wow, Crystal sure is enjoying the girl scout cookies this year." (and I am)


OHmommy said...


I showed with my 3rd so early!

Lisa said...

I showed earlier with Lulu than I did with Goosey, so when we do decide to have Baby Tres (which, by the way - I need to see how it works for you first :)) I'm sure I'll pop earlier!!! I'm sure you look adorable though! Enjoy those girl scout cookies!

Anonymous said...

aren't kid's observations the best? that is so sweet.....

and by the way...YIPPEE for maternity clothes, the best thing on earth!!