I have not stopped smiling since I walked out of the bathroom and handed Jim the test. I know he knew the answer before I handed it to him. I was practically skipping over to him.
Here is the other thing. This is just a secret that Jim and I share for the first 12 weeks. So we have 8 more weeks to keep this exciting news just to ourselves. So I have decided to keep this little blog from today until the big day in September. I can't wait to share the news with our families but until them I have to just keep posting here anytime I just can't contain myself any longer.
Did I know before I took the test? Nope. For the past six months I have thought I was pregnant every month. Yes, it was just wishful thinking. But this month, no I as much as I wanted it, I was thinking that we might be in this for the long haul and this month would be just like the others. Looking back I can see little things... like CRYING. Yes, I cried when I heard the college band play before my favorite football team played in their bowl game. I cried when Jim told me he wanted to to have a "sky burial" when he dies (don't ask). Yes, I have been pretty weepy lately. And guess what, this has happened before, crying like a crazy person before a positive pregnancy test. LOL, I guess I never learn.
Anyway, here we go. Baby, I can't wait to meet you.
Oh, Baby, how lucky you are going to be!
Congratulations!!!! I am so thrilled for you! and pretty surprised to find all this fun stuff over here on this site!
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