Friday, January 11, 2008


So I have not said this on the blog yet, but I am SO excited that I am going to be pregnant in the summertime. Both of my girls were born in March, so I spent the largest part of my pregnancies with winter sweaters, sweatshirts, jeans and coats. I am thrilled that this time I will get to wear shorts, skirts and cute t-shirts. How fun!
I am sure that this post may come back to haunt me when I am 37 weeks along in August. But I am just excited to try something new this time.
Oh and what about the cute summer maternity dresses, yes I will be sporting those. I maybe wore 2 or 3 dresses total though the last two times. Something about maternity pantyhose just seemed ridiculous. I am so lucky that I work from home. I can't imagine how difficult it is to work outside the house and regularly get dressed professionally while you are pregnant. Man my hat goes off to you all that do it.
Ok, I have to go work on some arm exercises so that I have some guns to show off this summer.

PS - I have never had any kind of muscle in my arms in my whole life. I have a feeling that statement could come back to haunt me too.


Kristi B said...

Yes, this post will come back to haunt you! I had both my babies in Kansas City and was HUGELY pregnant for my first in the middle of those awful, sticky, ridiculously humid summer months. Yuk. Without saying where you are, I'm guessing the humidity is pretty terrible there too. Ugh!
But you will look adorable in those summer dresses! and I loved khaki capris and crisp white shirts. Love the clothes of summer!

Lisa said...

Lulu was born July 20. I did love the cute huggy-type tanks & wearing gauchos (that was the big gaucho summer and they were DA BOMB) and being able to go swimming is beyond excellent!!! The other really great thing about having a summer baby is no one expects you to look skinny all summer, and then you have the whole fall/winter to get back in shape!