Thursday, February 21, 2008


This is where I have been posting the past few weeks when I am not over at my other blog, My Family Gossip. We have told our friends and family and now we are out to the world. I will be adding a link to each of the blogs so you can bounce back and forth. So please check both places for exciting news.


Amanda said...


I am so happy for you!!! And the girls!

Kellan said...

WOW - How exciting - CONGRATULATIONS!! I am very happy for you and can't wait to hear all about your pregnancy as you go alone. I'm sure you are very happy - I am so glad for you!! TAke care and I'll see you soon. Kellan

OHmommy said...


Three kids?

You gonna LOVE it. I KNEW something was up. how could you keep it from me this long, Crystal. ARG!!!!!

OHmommy said...



Lisa said...

Hooray! The cat is out of the bag!!!!

I can't wait to read the whole story. I'll comment again when I'm finished....

Again, congrats, congrats congrats!!! And, do I get a prize for guessing your news???

Wendy said...

Yeee Hawwww!!!!
Grow Baby Grow.
How exciting. Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Is there a PG-rated version of this site? It's making me blush. Well anyhow, my cheeks are red.
Crystal, you're one in a million. I'm glad I know you.

Mom Of 3 said...


Anonymous said...

Congrats! I can't wait to hear about your adventures-in-pregnancy!

Anonymous said...

Wondered where you were!! Congrats Congrats Congrats!!!!!

You have two little mini moms to help you along the way. I'll bet the girls are so excited!!