Friday, March 14, 2008

New pictures...

This week I had the Nuchal Translucency, so I got to have another ultrasound and I got to see our little baby. It was so cute. At first the ultrasound tech said, "Did you see that little head jerk?" and we laughed, then about 20 seconds later it happened again and I said, "It looks like hiccups," then yes, every 20 seconds through the whole ultrasound the poor little thing had the hiccups. It was waving its little hands all around. She got some pretty good pictures...

Anyway, I opted for the newer first trimester screenings that are available for Down Syndrome, Trisomy 13 and 18. Because with Amelia I had a positive triple test during my second trimester and then we also had some additional markers, cysts in her brain (which ended up dissolving before she was born). But she was born as healthy as a horse so our positive was just a false positive. Since a newer and better test was available I thought we should try it and maybe have less of a chance for a false positive. We don't have the results back from the blood work yet, but the ultrasound looked good and my midwife said her nuchal translucency measurement looks good and she already has a nasal bone which is another good sign.

Today was my monthly visit with the midwife. Everything looks good. The baby's heartbeat was going a million miles an hour. I am measuring a little big. I am guessing that is why yesterday was my first official day in maternity pants.

My next midwife visit is on April 11th and my big ultrasound is on the 18th. I can't hardly wait to find out if this is a boy or a girl. I haven't even started thinking about names yet and I am just going to wait until I know what this little one is to start. It cuts out 50% of the work. I know it is risky to go to the hospital with just names from one sex, but I have never had a boys name picked out before so I guess I have just been awful trusting of my ultrasounds.


Amanda said...

So beautiful!

OHmommy said...

Incredible. She did a great job.

I will be the first to call the sex. A girl!

Anonymous said...

Wow, those pictures are incredible! What they can do with modern technology these days, I tell ya... So exciting!!

Lisa said...

Hooray for a sweet, healthy baby!!!

I was wondering if you were a finder-outer. I think you've got a little boy brewing in your belly. Although, there would be something wonderful about having three girls, huh? All of memories come alive again when you pull out the clothes. Either way, a healthy baby is such a blessing!

Kelly said...

Those are great photos, and make me nostalgic for my own ultrasounds.

Lisa said...

BTW - do you share names? I can't wait to find out what you're having :)

Melissa said...

glad to hear that she was healthy. But Im sure you must have been nervous during the whole pregnancy. I had a friend that had the same thing. She tested postive for Downs, but they didn't know she was fine till she was born or a little after that. they were so worried