Yes, I look about 28 weeks along, but no, I am just a mere 17+. I bought this really cute shirt that says "Sweet Pea 03 Third Baby." It is the shirt I am wearing in the picture. My plan was to wear this "One Size Fits All" teeshirt in all of the belly pictures as this pregnancy progresses. I'll be lucky if I can squeeze into it for the next 2 months.
I went to the doctor today. I got the results from the first trimester nuchal translucency, it came back within normal range. Yippee! And today I had blood drawn for the AFP multiple marker screening.
Next week is the appointment that I have been waiting for, my big ultrasound. Hopefully we will find out that the baby looks very healthy, and if we are super lucky, if we are expecting a boy or a girl.
The heartbeat today was in the 150s. So do you guys have any guesses? Boy or Girl? I am going put up a survey in the side column. You'll have 7 days to vote.
You look adorable!
I'll guess boy/girl once I know what you're craving and eating. I'm typically right on the craving predictions.
You look beautiful! I don't think you look big at all!!!
The old wives tale that I heard is if your hair is growing slower/faster, but the funny part is, I don't remember which way it goes! Anyway, I think it's a boy, although a third little girl would be so perfect ;)
You look super cute! Very fit and you look really small to me...you must have been tiny with your first two, you witch! I am voting girl. My doctor always said a heartbeat above 145 was a girl.
Oh look how cute you look!
My guess is girl!
I called it first weeks ago.
And you my friend, are so flipping cute.
Your smile is contageous.
I am head over heels in love with all my children but the third one makes me melt. My sweat pea.
You look radiant! And sassy! It's a girl.
You look a.dor.a.ble! I love the shirt!
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