Friday, September 12, 2008

Ignoring her mother...

Despite my counting down the days and quietly begging little Charlotte to arrive a day or two early she has been ignoring her mother just as her sisters did. Tomorrow is her "due date" and I am not keeping my fingers crossed any longer.

As I left my appointment with my mid-wife yesterday and debated why oh why I always have decided to go with these laid back "it will happen when it is supposed to" mid-wives I remembered all the wonderful care they have given me over the past months. I know their approach is right even if in the end I have to be induced yet again. It isn't their fault that my body doesn't get it and loves to keep my babies under lock and key until the Pitocin drip begins.

This past Monday night I had contractions all night. They were irregular, strong and painful. For a moment I thought Tuesday could be birthing day. But as the last contraction hit at 5:30 am I knew that I would be in this for the long haul. Yesterday I found out that those contractions only progressed my body a 1/2 centimeter dilation and nothing at all in the effacement category.

So instead of holding this baby in my arms I will be cherishing another weekend of feeling her punch, roll and stretch around from the inside. Pretty soon those movements will be phantom and I will be counting her fingers and toes. Until then I will be thankful for the extra sleep and time to spend with Madeline and Amelia.


Lisa said...

Oh man! Hang in there and as hard as it may be, try to enjoy your last weekend pregnant! I feel like a nervous nelly, checking your twitter to see how things are going. Glad that you are keeping a positive attitude!!! Can't wait to hear the wonderful news!

OHmommy said...

Yes.... be thankful for a weekend of rest.

I. Can't. Wait for little Charlotte to come. I love that name. Please send me your address via email so I can send you guys some treats. I know you will be too busy a week from now. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Well, I hope she makes her debut soon, for your sake! She likes being all cozy, next to your heart though. :)

Can't wait to hear all about the birth story!